I got another weekend of bluegill action with CK and Andy "the wookie", they were still biting good, with lots of big fish coming to the boat. Same depths, around 24 ft, slider floats cast out from the boat gets the most fish. I got a few jigging with my Power noodle jig rod, that was fun!.
I got fish on many different baits, including Keiths hair jigs, Stub grubs, diamond jigs, flutter bugs, etc. I liked to put a couple of waxworms on to get them to bite better.

The Wookie gets a big sunfish

CK with the big one for the day!

Uh oh, ice is starting to form, may be the last week of giant gill action for the season?

More nice gills

and slabs

Got this beaut on my tiny Powernoodle rod

Nice colors


fat fish

the release!